Why Choose The Rebels

The Rebels Turf-Type Tall Fescue products have been scientifically developed to grow an exceptionally dense, lush lawn that is darker, greener and denser than common Kentucky-31. The Rebels high performance, low maintenance Turf-Type Tall Fescue varieties perform well in both sunny and shady areas. Lawns grown from The Rebels products have exceptional heat and drought tolerance, as well as increased durability in heavy traffic areas.

Extended Root Seed Varieties™

Planting the right seed is the most important thing you can do for your lawn - and the quality of a lawn starts with its roots. The Rebels Brand Extended Root seed varieties grow up to 40% more roots† at deeper depths. The Rebels deeper, denser root system improves nutrient uptake, maximizes drought resistance, and enhances a lawn's ability to thrive under stress.

Enjoy a thick, beautiful, dark green lawn that stays alive and healthy even in the driest, hottest summer conditions with The Rebels Brand Premium Grass Seed.

† Root development estimates based on plant breeding techniques and scientific research results. Results may vary depending on environmental conditions and management practices. Published in Crop Sci. 44:1770-1775 (2004).